Adult ADHD assessments

An ADHD assessment conducted by a psychologist is a thorough evaluation aimed at diagnosing Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and understanding its impact on an individual’s functioning. Typically, this assessment involves several components:

  • Clinical Interview: The psychologist conducts an in-depth interview with the individual and, if applicable, their parents or guardians to gather information about the individual’s developmental history, current symptoms, and daily functioning.
  • Behavioural Observation: The psychologist may observe the individual’s behaviour in various settings, such as at home, school, or during clinical assessments, to assess for symptoms of ADHD.
  • Standardised Rating Scales: Significant others or family members and often the individual themselves may need to complete standardised rating scales or questionnaires to assess symptoms and their impact on daily life
  • Cognitive and Psychological Testing: The psychologist may administer cognitive assessments and psychological tests to evaluate attention, executive functioning, memory, and other relevant cognitive abilities. These tests help identify strengths and weaknesses and rule out other possible explanations for the symptoms.
  • Collateral Information: The psychologist may gather information from other sources, such as school records or previous assessments, to gain a comprehensive understanding of the individual’s functioning across different domains.
  • Diagnostic Criteria: The psychologist compares the individual’s symptoms and test results to the criteria outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) or other diagnostic guidelines to determine if they meet the criteria for ADHD.
  • Feedback and Recommendations: Following the assessment, the psychologist provides feedback to the individual and their family, discusses the diagnosis (if applicable), and offers recommendations for treatment, accommodations, and support services tailored to the individual’s needs.

An ADHD assessment conducted by a psychologist aims to provide a thorough understanding of the individual’s symptoms and functioning, leading to an accurate diagnosis and personalised treatment plan to support their well-being and success.

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PS0159069 and PR1167766

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